3d Scanning of binding of Mark’s Gospel

3d Scanning of binding of Mark’s Gospel

le projet en résumé Numérisation 3D Haute définition Plateforme SketchFab CLIENT BMI, Epinal ANNEE 2021 High Definition 3D Scanning – EPINAL IML The companies IMA Solutions and Digiscan3D have been entrusted with the delicate mission of high-definition 3D...
museum of toulouse – the old Shell of marsoulas cave

museum of toulouse – the old Shell of marsoulas cave

summary of the project 3D digitization and vizualisations X-Ray Microtomography Scientific research CLIENT Natureal History Museum,  Toulouse (France) YEAR 2016-2021 dIGITIZATION OF AN OLD CONCH OF ABOUT 18,000 YEARS OLD It was almost 90 years after being discovered...